Big Horn Co., WY Books Cemeteries Census
Created: 1896 Maps Official Records Photos Population
Big Horn Co., WY
Big Horn Co., WY was formed from portions of Fremont, Johnson and Sheridan Cos.
You might consider searching in those Counties for earlier records.
The following table details the population of the County from the first census available up through 1940.
Information is shown for 1890, but that census was mostly lost due to a fire and mishandling in the 1920's and 1930's.
Don't forget to check on the main Wyoming page for links to free online versions of the census
1790 - 1800 - 1810 - 1820 - 1830 - 1840 - 1850 - 1860 -
1870 - 1880 - 1890 -2 1900 4,328 1910 8,886 1920 12,105 1930 11,222 1940 12,911
Historical Census Browser. The University of Virginia, Geospatial and Statistical Data Center:

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Don't forget to check on the main Wyoming page for links to statewide and other non County specific resources
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Census Records


Official Records
Big Horn Co., WY Government Offices Contacts
Don't forget to check on the main Wyoming page for links to other sources for State & County related data
Birth, Death, Marriage and Estate Records
Real Estate Transaction Records

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