"The History of Granville, Licking Co., Ohio" Henry Bushnell, 1889
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THE History Granville LICKING COUNTY OHIO WRITTEN RY REV HENRY BUSHNELL Published Company Purpose COLUMBUS Press Hann Adair ? PREFACE HIS In Mr Charles Bryant Each It The Seventy Anniversary But There Hence Some Nothing University Smith Columbus Carpenter Dr Little Hon Isaac Smucker Deacon Rose Baker Bancroft Westerville Ohio Bushnell August CONTENTS Ab Origine II III First Low Plash IV Scioto Land Location VI Licking VII Preparations VIII By Way IX Symmetrical Week XL Business XII Early Experiences XIII Annals XIV XV XVI XVII War XVIII XIX XX XXI XXII XXIII XXIV XXV XXVI XXVII Page J XXVIII XXIX XXX XXXI XXXII Rev Timothy Harris XXXIII Ahab Jinks XXXIV Jacob XXXV Plan Union Church XXXVI Baptist XXXVII Methodist Episcopal XXXVIII St Luke Protestant XXXIX Welsh Churches Denison College XLI Academy Male Female XLII Seminary XLIII Our Professional Record XLIV Industrial Enterprises XLV Commercial XLVI Anti Slavery Excitement XLVII Criminal XLVIII Fatal Accidents XLIX Rebellion Olla Podrida Additional INDEX Abduction George Tight Aboriginal Works Frame Brick Accidental Shooting Additions Town Advance Companies Agreement Preliminary Alexandrian Society Library Bank Anticipations Realized Arrivals Atlantic Erie Railway Bands Music Banking Battle Snowballs Bear Hunt Last Bell Congregational Bidding Against Sharks Lots Bill Fare Birth Etc Bold Subaltern Bricks Made Buckeye Minstrels Burglaries Burlington Cyclone Burying Newark Advocate Colony Resumed Improved Canal Cabin California Adventurers Camp Fire Contracts Cavalry Cemeteries Census Returns Central Normal Cheese Large Emigrant Presbyterian Circular Coaches Niel More Committee Exploration Safety Maj Case Rescuing Conference Constitution Contractors Conveniences Pioneer Conveyance Purchase Costumes Cut Dam Brush Sycamore Logs Third Death Township Second Hills Deed Partition Dentists Descending Lightning Rod Diagram Division Dramatic Performances Drouth Drove Stampede Drumming School Dutchman Placated Vlll Earliest Bom Earthquake Evening Entertainments Expectations Unrealized Explosion Goodrich Distilery Falling Stars Charitable Filial Obedience Financial Embarrassments Department Fires Houses Three Building Flood Memorable Floor Gives Frolic Meritorious Frosts Fugitive Rescued General Muster Golden Weddings Alexandrinn Thoroughfare Furnace Times Guest Singular Hogg Tract Hotels Incidents Incorporation Infantry Indians Friendly Industries Later Schools Jaconet Yard Joke Practical Journeymen Artisans Jubilee Cabins Lawyers Ceases Act County Organized Exporting Summit Celebration Literary Theological Institute Locations Winter Lands Parade Mail Map Village Maple Grove Cemetery Meeting Mercantile Merchants Present Meteoric Shower Military Matters Parades Drill Mill Site Ministers Missionaries Missionary Mob Municipal Officers Munson Saw Name Chosen Newspapers Year Sermons Railroad Opera Organs Paintings Proficients Pasquinades Pennsylvania Schooners Pews Olden Physicians Resident Piano Pioneers Yet Living Plot Uncovered Poetry Bright Hail Bliss Mrs Sigourney Whitney God Spelman Anon When With Pond Ponds Postmasters Pottery Emigrants Public Worship Woods Pulpit Ill Quota Filled Disturbances Underground Reflector Refugee Reminiscences Bronson Reservations Revival Description Riot Roads Roster Soldiers Civil Mexican Regular Army Route Routine Day Sabbath Habits Sad State Morals Mills Scarcity Money Select Seventeen Locusts Shepardson Women Shinplasters Sickness Signers Original Snakes Song Desert Special Mention Spiritualism Cattle Steeple Streets Narrowed Stoves Students Freaks Sugar Loaf Denuded Sunday Creek Coal Iron Survivors Teetotal Pledge Temperance Limited Clock Enlarged Trees Forest Trial Sham Boundaries Government Incorporated Visit Vocal Teachers Wanderer Ward Water Cure Establishment Wells Reckon Citizens Wheat Bread Whisky Wild Hogs Turkeys Wives Wolves Young Ladies NAMES Records Avery Alfred Bailey Silas Ashley Albert Henry Hubert Samuel Basset Beach Beecher Lyman Berry James Bragg Leonard Butler Leveret Carr Carter Paschal Major Clark Appleton Cook Cooley John Cramer William Cunningham Patrick Downer Dudley Dunlevy Amanda Fassett Elias Gavit Gilman Esq Going Jonathan Griffin Hamlen Horace Hayes Ella Hervey Dwight Howe Amasa Curtis Hughes Rowland Humphrey Daniel Jones Lily Kerr Lee Joseph Martin Meeker Moore Mower Colonel Augustine Phelps Capt Put Philipps Urias Pratt Prichard Reed Simeon Rees Theophilus Richards Robbins Lemuel Levi Ormond Sample Sanford Alvah Sinnet Slocomb Talbot Samson Thompson Thrall Homer Van Meter Weld Theodore White Wright Sereno CHAPTER AB OKIGINE Through Pataskala River Raccoon Irregularly They This Hildreth Marietta AN ANCIENT TREE Long About Alli On Fort Southwest Between ABORIGINAL WORKS From Knox Historical Collections Paige One Its POTTERY Westward Still After Fragments Albans Saline Springs Gallatin Illinois Mississippi Valley Florida Midway Centerville Reuben Linnel Howard MOUNDS PLEA Hall Granger Mt Parnassus Others Within Now Read Uninvited Let Already States Virginia Territory North Botetourt Washing Ross Fairfield Spain France England Revolutionary United Massachusetts Connecticut York INDIAN TRIBES OF Northwest Congress Washington Rivers Lake February Chillicothe Then Zanesville Previous Hamilton Adams Jefferson Trumbull Western Reserve Clermont Belmont Montgomery Greene Warren Frank Gallia Columbiana Muskingum Geauga Athens Highland Champaign Shawnees Shawanoese Miami GREENVILLE TREATY LINE Wyandots Hock Delawares Mingoes Senecas Six Nations Wheeling These Sandusky Twig Remnants Cuya Miamis Maumees Ottawas Moravian Tuscarawas Gnadenhutten Salem Schcenbrun Chippeways Kickapoos Potawatamies Saginas Wayne Greenville Treaty Line Cuyahoga Akron Laurens Marys Loramie Station Recovery WAVES EMIGRATION Ken Thus FIRST LOW PLASH Ramp Cherry Around Benoni Benjamin Phineas Frederick Ford Danner Denner Welshman Jersey Stadden Justice Peace Northumberland Great Having EARLY SETTLERS Thomas Davis Philadel Messrs Wales Wednesday April Friday May David Lewis BIRTH AND DEATH Simon Jimmy Johnson Meantime October Hers Ocf WhttefowXt WiAt GRANVILLE Thit CAMP Evans Shadwick Parker Clear Run Duke Peter Price Powell SCIOTO LAND COMPANY While Emigration Chazy Granby Worthington Explorations Entire AGREEMENT Bveritt Jr Suggesting Buttles East Newlands And SIGNING Russel Atwater Job Ashmun Solomon Noble Everitt Noadiah Holcomb Ebenezer Cornelius Slocum Elihu Buttolph Kelley Araunah Winche Nathan Gates Titus Hoskin Ethan Asa Horatio Forbes Alvin Worthy Messenger Wm Godard Sometime FEE RAISED Sylvanus Mitchel Roe Enoch Ezekiel Spencer Joel Waters Gideon Cornell Taylor Wilcox Zadoc Amos Moses Ezra Hiram Jesse Rice Joab Andrew Cheney Joshua Kendall Eleazar Clemons Israel Roswell Graves Arden Dean Ozni Miller Seth September Soon LOCATION Hartford Hardy National CONVEYANCE See Xtberly JfLOUQ Sow JkFRaan JOY Townships Monroe Jonas Stanbury Range Rathbone Nov Section Steele Bray BOUNDARIES Stanbery Mathias Denman Phebe District Ranges British Therefore Article CONSTITUTION Gospel Further Two Actual Seymour Also Ephraim Coe Pomeroy Wadsworth Elkanah Giles Dayton Gad Allyn Justin Hillyer Root Jedadiah Rowley Sill Sheldon Jeremiah Reynolds Leaving Plymouth Rock November Fowler Hampshire Lancaster PREPARATIONS Various Another Propositions Ere ADVANCED COMPANIES Finally March Their July MILL SITE Fifty Afterward Whatever SELLING THEIR EASTERN FARMS Europe Mindwell Widow Abigail Sweatman Chloe Lydia Hannah Sabra Michal Ach Winchel Before Zeruah Elizabeth Sarah Separatists CHURCH FORMED Aaron Nathaniel Gaylord Ozius Eells Roger Harrison If Food Perhaps MINOR Belle Quaker Thick Mongst My Says Adieu Come BY WAY Hudson Fishkill Landing Edward Easton Schuylkill Reading Susquehanna Harrisburg Carlisle Alleghanies Haven Clairsville Beatty Cambridge Saturday Tuesday Lieutenant ARRIVAL Nash Being Monday December Jan INCIDENTS During Neither Yankees Naomi Silence Giving DUTCHMAN PLACATED Seizing Older Cyrus Riggs Scarcely Thirty VILLAGE SQUARE According Four Roses SYMMETRICAL Science Prospect That Stone TOPOGRAPHY Broadway Next Toledo Perry ODE Ode HILLS Thou Thy Providence Patient Among Nature Whence Enchanting Commerce Seeks Entrusting Renowned WEEK Returning Kelleyjust Amid SONG DESERT Silent Standing THREE SIDED CABINS Jehovah English Sabbaths Council LaS Jj HOUSE THAT SHELTERED FAMILY TOWN COMMODIOUS QUARTERS Instead BUSINESS Voted Adjourned Nine Morning Which Making Devision Owns Sd True President Members Executive Josiah ROADS RESERVATIONS Owl Vernon Supplies Horse Chain Ax Man Wait Viewers Settlement Crick Kindall Certain Acres Square Out Corner Reserved Use Bureying Ground Layed Appro Seport Lying Block Over Near SKAT SCHOOL Court Legislature SALE LOTS Reformation Those INDIVIDUAL BIDS Pearl Loudon Captain McCune DIVISION SECOND Stanberry January Abraham EXPERIENCES Conversations Father Owing WILD TURKEYS Autumn Burgh Oren DEER WOLVES Nichols Selecting Hoover Bears RESCUES FROM Chauncey Prosper RATTLESNAKES COPPERHEADS Extermination Once Rattlesnakes Captains HOCxS BEARS Boys Approaching BILL FARE Usually Sometimes Potatoes ROUTINE DAY Breakfast Girls Often Moutonye EVENING ENTERTAINMENTS Blackberries Singing Families FRIENDLY INDIANS Pawpaw Bowling Maritta Langdon Atwood Sutton Polly ANNALS Lord Supper Since Hoge Eaton Bracken McDaniel Scott Guilman Sir Self Batalion Signed Several Helon INCORPORATION Fourth America Honorable Commissioners Election Appointed Make Application Thursday Corporation Philemon Representative Assembly Request Justices Slyvanus LIBRARY DEATHS Directors Treasurer Librarian Cincinnati PURSUIT KNOWLEDGE Spragg Book Electors Magistrates Pole Books Electted Majority Legally Number Chair Isriel Edwards Electlon EfenahSnnci Ballot Clerk Listor Duly Closed Elected Respective Constables TOWNSHIP OFFICERS Havens Trustees Overseers Browning Supervisors Winchell Timmothy Conditioned Recording Earmarks Brands Castways Clarissa PONDS Francis Jerusha Much Raise Bridge Meas Bowery Such Mulberry FLOODWOOD Main Liberty Baldwin Stake Where Schoolhouse Materials THIRD DAM Probably Franklinton Thinking FRAME Hveritt Lower Harlow Milton Harriet Asahel Chairman HUr Judges Clerks Fence Appraisers Reese Highway Herren Carlton Belt Hays Grand Jurors Pettit Stedman COURT Sylvenus Herrin Orlin Stillman Mead Cass Hull Common Pleas Wilson Presiding Alexander Holmes Associate Sheriff Archibald Elisha Tax Collector PRICES Jury Board Dunlap Armstrong HOTEL MASONIC LODGE Esquire Free JUDGE Chapter Occasional PASTOR Vermont Revs Steubenville ESQUIRE GILMAN Paine Clinton Stephen Lindley Judson Guitteau Putnam Matthew Merrit Moderator REVIVAL Almost Owens Reilly McL Thurston Wheeler Sullivan Blannerhasset + Neil Up Pittsburg Morris RESIDENT PHYSICIAN Poultney Vt Coshocton June Critchet Marvin Boston IM MERITORIOUS FROLIC Doud Though Prosecuting Attorney Twenty FILIAL OBEDIENCE Justus Yes Sitting Taking COSTUMES Very Shawls JOURNEYMAN ARTISANS Salt Griffith Almena Bela Barrett London EARTHQUAKE Doctor Religious Laws Vol Subsequently Mehitabel Murdick WAR Britain Madison Nevertheless Canada Chaplain Governor Eleazer Ensign Orin Orderly Serg Sergt Mahlon Corpl Knowles Harry Leicester Festus Drummer Elijah Fox REGISTER INFANTRY Gibbons Quarmsr Claudius Christopher Hezekiah Campbell Danl Murdock Calvin Orman Cotton Hanover GOING Herron Friends Urbana Detroit Findlay Swamp Arrived Enos ACCIDENTAL SHOOTING UNDER FIRE Starting Roupe NARROW ESCAPES Flour CAVALRY Gabriel Critton Mays Happily Caleb Randal Justis Stephans Julius Coleman Elliott Senator Ralph Werden Wardain Wardin Worden Warden ACCESSIONS Sally Mather Shepherdson Middletown Highgate Commencing French Falley Upper Catharine Azariah Chadwick Linus Rutland Walter Oliver Eliphas Harmon Bassett SABBATH Weeks Nicodemus Oneida Buffalo Griffiths Gerard Twining Southard Christian Beginning ALEXANDRIAN BANK Lucius Irville Immediately Morey OE YEAR Love Relying McKean MEETING Above Anthony Covering Bible Behind OLD TIME PULPIT Peering PEWS RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES Thither Luther Vicinity Lamson Essex Robert Pittsford Chauncy Boardman Lathrop Sawyer Chittenden Cleveland Stark MILITARY MATTERS Prices Willard Warner Myron Alpheus Jewett Blanchard Maine Starr BENEVOLENCE Chester Burial Rood Georgia Subscription Whipple Tennessee Tragedies BRICK ACADEMY Masonic Lodge Underneath NEW ARRIVALS Abbot Wing Abbott Sylvester Hubbard Ludlow Johnstown SCARCITY MONEY Damaris Wittlesey Elder Scripture Suppose Physically MR HARRIS JINKS Puritan MAIL COACH Jervis Perrin Everett Isabella Fifteen Harrington BURYING ADVOCATE Jerry Briggs Harting Nineteen Paper Hornsmen Why Deer BURLINGTON CYCLONE Jerahmeel Houghton Storm Many Fences Every SUMMIT CELEBRATION Provisions DeWitt Utica Eliab Truman Hovey Swan Clough LAST HUNT Grays Most Michi Fidelia Brace Hanks CHURCHES Hosea Congregationalists Presbytery Religion Besides Methodists Baptists Only LUKE Reconciliations Hitherto SELECT Misses Olivia Deborah Mitchell Equality Byron Passengers Benevento PLOT UNCOVERED Calling SEVENTEEN LOCUSTS Surveyor Partridge Emma Sedgwick BELL TEMPERANCE Springfield Sturges Pittsburgh Total Abstinence Talada Santee FEMALE SEMINARY Miriam Samantha Bunker Devenney Goldsbury Factory STOVES Eunice Except GENERAL MUSTER Training Wagons Here Adjutants Brigadier ADVENTURE Institution Senate Mayor Recorder Bancrolt Ordin Deep Hand Darkness Expecting Asiatic Theology Lane Efforts Hamlin STAMPEDE Merriman METEORIC SHOWERS Youngsters Doors STREETS Wetherell Jordan Grant Bridges FROST DROUTH Failing Noah Dams SICKNESS Farmers Orleans Miasm Asher SPIRITUAL DECLENSION Care Eliphelet Follett Lucy Edmund Garland Palmer Cherokees Luna REPAIRED Convention Patty Roman PIANO Freeman Haskell Grecian SHIN PLASTERS Conservatoire Ruhama Sherlock Nye Margaret Episcopalians Morgan SEVERK Orren Paul Eager Crops Susanna Ruth Prudence Tyler Histories Gavitt Carmichael Jno Whig Etna Tom Corwin Wagoner Frequent Canoes Songs Infants Rah Tip Huggins Chas Gunn VanBuren LOG PARADE Teams Candles Fame Called MARDI GRAS Solon Half Smed Kilbonrn TAKING PART Electa Turney COLLEGE PRANK Heads Breathless Instantly THK BUCKEYE MINSTRELS Shephard Douglas Grow Bynner NEST EGG Efland Dick Matthews Intelligencer Hainlen Sneider TEETOTAL PLEDGE Roberts Alonzo Roderick Carmicael Williams Dodge Dorothy Persis Joanna Elizur EXTEMPORANEOUS SNOW BALLING Ellis Howell Fosdick Crawford Walker Buckland Morrison Heifner Rhodeback Achsah Ingham Succeeding Christians Clarion Allen Nancy Reily DOCTORS DIFFERING Big Probate Hobart HYDRAULIC Seeing Hydraulic Superin Pipes Jemima Aylsworth JUBILEE Herald Arrangements Circleville Psalm Wake Prayer Welcome Venerable Composed Wrentham Blessings Heaven Sweet Tokens Thrice Master Zion Ebenezers Lifting Thankful Jesus Till Without Zach Your Stopping Pilgrim Fathers Burton Stock Choir Full Who Chorister Farewell Redeemer Vine Breathe ?? Look Dickinson Adah Rachel Klias Martha Secretary Decla Independence Thence Marysville Presidential Lucretia Ljnnel Denisonian Herbarium Matilda Norton KILLING Fanny Wallace WATER Iy Ackley Angeline QUOTA MORE THAN FILLED Fourteen Died Smedley Rosanna Sophia MAPLE GROVE CEMETERY Chat Marshal RIOT COLLEGIAN Deaths Statira Dolly Dilley Belinda Carroll Whiting Knapp Collegian Calliopean Cinderilla Rosetta BUILDING OBITUARY Forge Considering GOVERNMENT ORGANIZED Statute Former Norfolk Parsons Loano ENLARGED Market Lockport Finding Falls Kan Eathsheba Kansas Monitor Family Monthly TALBOT Edgar Newton Erastus Constitutional Superintendent Professor Hymn Republic ATTEMPTED BURGLARIES Sundays Harvey Wolcott Belford Party Orlena Sr Edwin Clapp Trains Andrews Nicholas Handel Reunion Sailors Showman Hebron Gershom Julia Amelia SEVENTY FIFTH ANNIVERSARY MORNING SESSION MUSIC SCRIPTURE READING RHOADES BAPTIST PRAYER TIMOTHY FORMERLY CONGREGATIONAL ADDRESS WELCOME HERVEY PRESBYTERIAN SETTLEMENTS BEFORE COLONY ISAAC SMUCKER HISTORY BUSUNELL ALFRED OWEN PRESIDENT DENISON UNIVERSITY AFTERNOON FRAMPTON METHODIST PIONEER FAMILIES CHAS BRYANT PROF JOHN PRATT SCHOOLS PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS SINNET AFFAIRS COLONISTS DESCENDANTS HON MUNSON Relics Lecture Room Parlors Mnnson Lowery Might Dear Emmanuel Fountains Amongst Satan Encircled MEMORIAL HYMN Guardian Led Thine Successive Had Flow Thee Grimsley CELEBRATES SATURDAY NOVEMBER Festival Granvillians PORTRAITS Spellman Silhouette Engravings OTHER ARTICLES Letter RECEIPT COPIED BELOW Received Wurtemburg Germany Levering Mayflower Auld Syne Fifth Allwise Guide Topeka Orland Indiana Elnathan Corrington Wheaton Alcy Durfee Came Corintha Willis Note Williamstown Middlebury Preston Rupert Recommendatory Southwestern Reaching Bethia None PURITAN Christianity Eighteen Pastor AHAB SUNDAY REMOVAL DELAWARE Genoa Afterwards JACOB LITTLE Gerrish Boscawen Meriden Dartmouth Andover Lama Inquiry GofTstow Hoosick Class Belpre ENTERS UPON LABORS MARRIAGE Were Domestic Relations Divinity Toward Better Pastoral Warsaw Wabash UNTIRING INDUSTRY Five Retiring Aristotelian Platonic ORGANIZER PLAN UNION Originally Articles Faith CONFERENCE Historically Generally Theie EVANGELISTIC Bibles Synods SUSPENSIONS INNOVATIONS Millerite Congregationalism Kings Jude Earnestly BECOMES Logansport Deacons Magoon Robinson Wynkoop Until Meanwhile Elders Drake Mott Millar Hair Chandler Sandford Castle Salome Squire Philenda Rhoda Burnet Betsy Louisa MEMBERS Association DeBolt Divine Wildman ELDER CARR Alanson Sinnett Dusenbury Darrow Gear Agent Ostrander REVS TURNEY BAILEY HALL Swain BURTON FERNALD Both Randall Fernald Rhoades Bringing EPISCOPAL Finley Quinn Bowman Thralls Bigelow Stanley Waddle PREACHERS PLACES Preachers Michael Ruark Junior McMahon Meetings Event Circuit Goddard Gafheld SUCCESSION Hooper Abner Goff Gilruth Fernandes Lybrand Hamline Repository Bishop Merrill Universalism Leroy Swormstedt Eddy Jamieson Connell Trimble Grover Stewart Holland Philips REFITTED Casper Courtney Heath Donohue Murphy Myers Bruner Kellogg Hood Doughty Fitch Spahr Bing Addison Cartlick Filler Lovett Taft Crook Hirst Porter Acton Windsor Nave Fry Fellows Murdoch Frampton PROTESTANT Chase Sparrow Somerset Services BRONSON Should Kenyon Rector LEADING PHYSICIANS Drs Senior Names Mansfield Jason Collins Rectorship Strong Corlett Doolittell Trinity Bates Gambier WELSH American Babel Indulging Lobdell MINISTERS Patterson Sargent CALVINISTIC Smedmer Heistand Lawrence Clouse Kyle Calvinistic Jenkyn Parry Jane HOUSES WORSHIP Postoffice Jenkyns Cadwallader Sebastian LITERARY THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE Educational Lebanon McLeod AUen Sperry CLASS Instruction Considerable Sirenus Peabody Southern CHARTER SWAIN Philosophy Drury Latin Greek Mathematics Natural Stevens Vice Intellectual Townsend Presidency Fairmont Professors Scholarships Individual PROFESSORS Sciences Scientific Rhetoric Belles Language Literature STEVENS SAMSON Marsena PROFS ALMON THRESHER HICKS Almon Thresher Hicks Acting Gilpatrick Irving Manatt PRESIDENTS ANDREWS Colwell Doane Chicago Faculty Arts CATALOGUE Sophronia Emily Mercy Grosvenor McMillen INCIPIENT LADIES HoVe McBride Almighty Foster Rogers Ipswich TEACHERS Tuition Gilmore Webster Maggie Theaker Converse Abby Sadie Aside CHANGE Academic Dana Breed Caroline Freelove Mcln Knowlton Oliphant Haight Hammond Musical Helen Alleghenies Yale Tuttle Phinney Pitkin Stearns Scudder Rollin Osmer Fay VOCAL Selden HORACE HAMLEN Oberlin Plainfield Fife Coming Thorpe AGAIN YOUNG Semirrary Poland Ingraham Kimball Maynard Elvira Josephine Swaim Fuller Preece Associated Clara Aydelotte DeForest Frances Charlotte Jarvis Dwyer Larned Stultz Hankins Snyder Cox Woodruff Potts Prominent Brooks Anderson RECORD MISSIONARIES LAWYERS Studied Tallahassee Fla Montague Cooper Metcalf Norval Hampden Sidney Eastern Carolina Lima Lexington Natches Constant Sprague Morrow Judsonia Arkansas Catholic Northern Francisco Fremont Seminaries Island Ponape Micronesia Gardiner Health Retreat Dansville Luman Indianapolis Emeline Nashotah Wisconsin Ashtabula Oconto Payson Louise Woodbury Universalist McConnelsville Tyng Philadelphia Bridgeport Brooklyn Need Grace Payne Rochester Morenci Michigan Fulton Duncan Holton Prescott Chidlaw Rank Barks Wisner Manwaring Johnston Charleston Minor Copeland Choctaws Hopkins Madura Woodburn Herrick Gaboon Africa McMinnville Oregon Canton China Dacotah Minnesota Ningpo Hangchow Minnie Bulga Dacotahs Mexico Missions Romish Monticello Ells Davenport Iowa Railroads Telegraphs Anson Twelve Moines Troy Equalization Volunteer Gazette Daily City Keokuk Treasury Carthage Buckingham Sedalia Northampton Davies Booth Harvard Representatives Erasmus Boulder Colorado Brister Wooster Ralston Swartz Moulton Medical Chemistry Faraday Ottumwa Madrid Gifford Guthrie Beeman Austin Starling Bean Watkins Edinburgh Royal Surgery Missouri Marshall Kirkersville Breckenridge Dillon Witherell Lunatic Asylum Kane Corning Todd Arrison Apollos Point SPECIAL MENTION Galveston Texas Native Races Pacific Arizona Nevada Wyoming Utah Coast Idaho Montana Alaska Inter Pocula Popular Tribunals Essays Miscellany Chronicles Macaulay Wendell Phillips Herbert Historians Journal Tribune PROFICIENTS PAINTING Quarterly Review Engi Rhoads Osbun Physics Slater Principal Local Editor Wellesley Hattie Lenora Luella Gurney Buxton Angie Surrender Vicks SUCCESSFUL Bedford Adelman INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISES Pewter Wooden Simultaneously Bursley CHAIRS WHISKY Riggor Lorin Jasper POTASfr TANNERIES Montreal Exchanging Dunnavan FURNACE Pardon FORGE NAILS Periander Prichaid Riley Steam Wrought SALT DAIRY LINSEED OIL Following WOOLEN FACTORIES Wool TOMBSTONES Guy HATS TINWARE Hardware PLOWS PLANES FURNITURE LARD Alter CORN SUGAR CHEESE Miner Eliphalet Although Jacobs Langstaff Spease ROPES MUSTARD SILK Shields Whole Sorghum Brooms COMMERCIAL Certificates Silver Roach FAILURE Roop Brice Cashier PRIVATE BANKS NATIONAL Eliznr Virgil Nelson Comptroller MERCANTILE Pelton Selling MERCHANTS Eventually Kilbourn Blias Store Elmer Hollister Darwin Giddings Jake SYSTEMS Deaf PaAons Suffield LATER Ana Moseley Sons Bros Craig Smithy Smithyman PRESENT DeBow Mining Transportation SLAVERY EXCITEMENT Hawley Audible Colonization Birney Arriving Whiteheads Stepping Barnes STATE CONVENTION Garfield Abolitionists Brothers GATHERING STORM Freedom Clubs Mahan Cowles COLLISION Egg Hastening VIOLENCE Get Hearing BLOODSHED Eggs Gathering FIELD CLEARED Jocelyn Supposing CLOSING SCENE Mobocracy Exposed Pill Faces PARODY MOB FUGITIVE RESCUED Commanding Upon Wave Haughey Knock Quicker Hurrah Northwestern FREED Few CRIMINAL Locks Paints Otis Shop Montonye Inside Vial Stephens Looking People Quantities Irom Infirmary Wilkins Beyond FATAL ACCIDENTS XIvVIII Gas Klkanah Brastus Paulina Danforth Swim Toddling Presently Cynthia Fluke Zabina Pierce Timbers Relays Isaiah Beaumont Newcomb Aurelius Berk Barker Mayfield Gregory Houten Lighting Bland Newway Riding Worley REBELLION XUX Particularly Kentucky McClellan Chicka Whitford Gooding Andersonville Libby Shed ROSTER Together Accurst Orphans Yearnings Tis Brevet Staff Sherman Quartermaster Provost Thirteenth Lookout Mountain REGIMENT ENLISTED APRIL RICH MOUNTAIN VIRGINIA BRIDGEPORT ALABAMA PERRYSVILLE RIVER McDonald TWELFTH Donahue SEVENTEENTH DONALDSON SHILOH CORINTH VICKSBURG Emery Goulding Piympton Hitt Knoop Guilford Haslop Corporal Chickamauga Sergeant NINETEENTH Ikirt TWENTY SEPTEMBER SIEGE Carrier Dibble Ephland Gardner Lyon Brownsville Robertson Slough FOURTH Howland Surgeon Prison Sea Sixth Regiment Sixty SIXTH OCTOBER Barrick Bearer Shiloh Clif Woodland Norman Ridge Caton Jarrett Ft Donaldson Kelvey Metzger Minton Adolphus Murry Northrup Wesley Niberger Ramey Lucian Marcus Seadars Webb Turner Monterey EIGHTH Oscar DeWolf Hollinger Weston EIGHTY Lloyd Ninety Peters Boyles Hundred Tenth HUNDRED THIRTEENTH Chambers Cressy Colored Troops Durant Flaharda Rodney Heman Huson Kneeland Watrace Matthias Newbury Ports Nashville Lucien Wamsley THIRTY ENGINEERS Lefevre Schwab Arthur UNITED STATES COLORED TROOPS VOLUNTEER Shobbel Lovejoy Alabama Kenesaw Cavalryman Artilleryman Heavy Orris FIRES OIvLA PODRIDA Help Loar Bonnet Erixena Schultz Damage Iyyon Minerva Loss Hess Bager HOTELS Orrin POSTMASTERS Wightman Beck GOLDEN WEDDINGS Gertrude Remarks Barber Bight CEMETERIES Could EARLIEST BORN Presidents Zelhart Kidd ROSE Hadley Ewing ETHAN BANCROFT Vance Alice DEACON SILAS WINCHEL CAPTAIN LEVI Thorne Jennie LEMUEL Linnell Laura JOB CASE SAMUEL EVERIT SPELMAN Katie Maria Winnie Alma Clarence Annie ARAUNA CLARK Nora Rosilla Debow Willie Flora Gracie DAVID MESSENGER Lottie Addie SYLVANUS MITCHELL EZEKIEL WELLS Almira Duckworth Stella Eggleston GIDEON CORNELL JOSEPH NNELL WILLIAM GAVIT LIEUT JESSE Morton SPENCER WRIGHT DANIEL BAKER JUSTIN HILLYER SR ELIAS Strangers Notably Kilbourne Pomroy Willcox Residents ADDITIONAL Lilly Renaming Mourning Plum Avenue Barclay Profs 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