"Centennial History of Licking Co., Ohio" Isaac Smucker, 1876
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CENTENNIAL Read Centennial Celebration BY ISAAC MUCKER NEWARK CLARK UXDERWOOD PRINTERS NOTE Licking Congress President Proclamation May The Agricultural Society Board Agriculture Sketch Jiad HISTOR ? LICKING THE MOUND BU DERS Lickicommunitythereafterperma True Lake Western America Empireearthworks Sepulchral Sacrificial Temple Memorial Monumental Observation Effigies Symbolical Enclosures Mounds Temples Governmental Legislative Civic Eagle Least Although CentennialIndependence OHid Let Before Anglo Saxon Caucassian Christopher Gist Virginia Land George CroghanformationIndian Forks Pittsburg Miami ValleyReservoirth Great Swamp Gists And Rev David Jones Philadelphia Duncan LickingStanding Stone Lancaster Delaware Indians Big IndiansLicking Salt Creek North South Bowling Green Northwest Barbarism Civilization Red There Woodward Esq Han Jacob Freese EXTENT TOPOGRAPHV STREAMS East These Northern Southeast Eastern Flint Ridge Narrows Rockv Prairies Washington Newark Swamps Smoots Countv Southern Counties Fairfield Ferry Springs Spencer Raccoon Middle River Muskingum Zanesville Wakatomika Rocky Otter Clear Brushy Clay Ramp Auter Hog Run Lobdell SoutheasternMuskingum Moxahala Jona All Walnut Black Creeks Scioto Pioneers Capt Elias Hughes Isaac Stad High Indeed Lickingpeculiarities RKlge SoutheasternMuskingumFlint French Cannel Fire NarrowsWhen Clift On Hand Canal Other Rain Sharon Welsh Hills Wales MILITARY LANDS REFUGEE Nine Military District Lands June Revolutionary Refugee April Canada Nova Scotia British Colonists TheMilitary Ranges Greenville Eastward Gratiot Linnville Amsterdam Jacksontown Hebron Brownsville Luray Kirkcrsville Etna Townships Avholly Harrison OUR CI Territory CountWashington SS RossiSoo Marietta Chillicothe Territorial Legislature CincinnatiRoss Edward Tiffin Thomas Worthington Samuel Findlay Langham John Ratliff Novem Our Delegates General William McMillan Paul Fearing InConstitutional Convention StateFairfield County Henry Abrams Emanuel Carpenter FIRST SETTLERS EARLIEST SETTLEMENTSLICKING COUNTV Ratlift BowHng Madison During Captain ScoutsPoint Pleasant Spy Scoutattached Virginians Andrew Lewis Cornstalk Shawanese Chief RatliffDuring StaddenLicking Elizabeth Christmas SETTLERSYEAR Benjamin Richard Pitzer Shawnee AUaghany Maryland Elliottthem Northumberland Pennsylvania Buskirk Brooke Vallcv UnionSouth Forkyears Tuscarawas Captains Brady McCulloch Alleghanies StaddenAt Justice Peace Militia Sheriff LickingCollector Coroner Cherry Old Fort Next Another Decem Phineas Ford Frederick Benoni Denner Fords Jersey Neither Territoryyears ValleyStadden SETTLEMENTSiSoi Larabee Larabeth James Maxwell Jolm Weedman Janu Parr Macauly Danner Barrick Bcnoni Phillip Sutton Job Rathbone Gillespie Edwards Virginiarifle Territorysubsistence Alexander Holmes Hendricks Theophilus Rees Johnson Simon Nelson Vallev Schenck Abraham Miller Warden Claybaugh Branch Potomac Michael Thorn Mver Neff Little Monongahela Adam Hatfield Jr ElliottElliott Park House Beall Babbs JeflVies Catharine Pegg Jonathan SpringFrench Patrick Cunningham Wright Petticord Nash Carlton Benedict Aquilla Belts Granville Tyrone Ulster Ireland SUBSEqUENT UNTIL After Evans Payne Wilson Simpson Robert Church Sahamahorn Jewell Crouch Moore Seymour Banon Cramer Peter Humphrey Chiswold Newton Daniel Thomp Enyart Matthias Hathaway DenmanHanover Moses Meeks Charles Howard Myers Maurice Newman Smith Taylor Channel Deweese Lima Herron Ernst Feasel Swisher Franklin Colony Stony Wayne Joseph Thrap Elisha Farmer Monroe Drake HaiTison Chester Wells Hollister Fugh Archibald Burlington Dunlap Nathan Conard Hull Cook Albans Utica Loudon Judicial Officers Judge Common Court Associate Judges Timothy Rose Clerk Bancroft Treasurer Oilman Commissioners Israel Taxes Assessor Jeremiah Munson Hays Grand Jury Armstrong Seat JUDGES CLERK Englander Dart College Attorney Law LickingBench Virginiagen Williamson Moravian JudgeRevolutionary Cornwallis Yorktown Magistrate INCLUSIVE Jicnning Ilickerson Poppleton Hartford Ileadly Housers Essex Bright NortheasternFallsbury Rena Knight Libertysettled PIONEER PREACHERS CHl RC ORGANIZATIONS McDonald Presbyterian Marquis Minis Autumn Asa Shinn Methodist Pioneerprob Revs Qiiinn ChurchCongregational JMethodist Societytime Baptist Churchth First Churches Friendship Axley Ministers Cartwright Societies Emmett Scott Hoge Robbins Hayes King Sometimes Jesse Stoneman Manly Ralph Lotspeitch Elder Steadman Lyman Potter Stephen Lindley Lakin Powell Patterson Baptists LickingWelsh Finle FOLLOWING JS LISTTOWNSHIPSLICKING DATETHEIR WHEN SETTLED TowxsHip WiiKN Organized Settled Hopewell Bennington Ann McKean Perry Eden Fallsburv CITY VILLAGE POPULATION Population City Villages Census Pataskala Conine Wilmington Alexandria Kirkersville Carthage Johnstown Homer Columbia Center Louisville Chatham Harrisburg Elizabethtowu Fredonia Vanattasburg Appleton Total Toboso Wagram Fallsburg Boston Moscow Sylvania Summit Station LAID OUTWHOM Given Chronological Laid Out Anu Whom Cummings Burnet Bigelow Major Robertson Chonner Ezekiel Elijah Durfey Arnold Sliaw Waggoner Elizabethtowni Leroy Beverly Abner Minerva Lemcrt Lockport Searle Devilbliss Cumberland Titus Knox Carey Mead Turrill Pearson Hcadlcy Condit Beecher Sane Porter Barnes Gosnell Reese Steplien Childs ISIark Richc Stanbery Winchester Belfast Exeter Livings Mount ToWNSHU Nu MBKlU WhEX CIK IXHTBIT ANT KSFlEST SkTTLKKS SkUTLED Neft Vanousdal Shannon Oldaker Nelsons Switzers Fiiilip Pollock Headly Martin Ratlifi Marv Bush Price Chas Hickerson Lee CONGRESSMEN Older Within Offices Morrow Kilbourn Philemon Vance Mitchell Howell Harper Joshua Mathiot Heman Alfred Columbus Sweetser Edson Olds Galloway Samuels Cox Neil Morgan Milton Southard SENATORS Slaughter Burton ISC Elnathan Schofield Trimble Gavitt Gass Mordecai Bartley Catterlin Gault Briggs Burrill Parker Willard Warner Winegardner Alward Follett Gardner Reid Sinnett Hubbcl Owens MEMBERSHOUSEREPRESENTATIVES Session Villiam Cloud Irwin Holden Herrick Hains Anthony Augustine Bradley Buckingham Baker Bryant Thornhill Yontz Stewart Smucker Flood Walter Morris Warren Phelps Humplirey White Presley Seth Fristo Truman Noah Reed Yates Bell Rogers Giffin Woods Smythe Putnam WiUiam MEMBERSOUR CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS Lucius Case Manon Kerr PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORSLICKING Downer JUDGESCOMMON PLEA COl RT Corrington Stillwell Rollin Hurd Sherman Finch Jefferson Brumback Jerome ASSOCIATE Fidler Zachariah Davis Brice Haughey Hunter Fossen Elizur Abbott Probate PROBATE Kennon Shirclifl Waldo Crasser SHERIFFS Baird Allison Morrison Caleb Boring Veach Hiram Tenney Rankin Silcr CLERKSCOMMON PLEAS COURT ISOS McDougal Amos Caftee Fullerton Gilbert Darlinton Anderson Sylvester PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS From Prosecuting Attorneys Judgesperiod Hons Ewing Hosmer Curtis Goddard Harvey Blackman Clarke Gibson Atherton Odell Asbury COUNTY RECORDERS Caffee Atkinson Lingafelter COMMISSIONERS Sr Spellman Gauit Thompson Lamson Crow Bramble Woodbury Dillc Cornell McClelland Burner Crandal Rosencrantz Blanchard Lemert Jordan Hall ?? Critchet Willis Valentine Alsdorf Morath Grant Ira Pittsford Padgett Lane Fehx CLERKCOMMISSIONERS ClerksAuditors EHas Gihnan Caflee AUDITOIiS Dennis Arven Wm Silas Woolson ASSESSOKS Assessors Haynes Moats TAX COLLECTORS Collectors Robinson Nicholas Shaver SURERS Sere Ball Pease Stevens Ewan MARSHALS CENSUS TAKERS English McCadden Bruner Enoch Pratt Deputy Marshals Alanon Aurelius Ballou SURVEYORS Surveyor Bushnell Leaeh Julius Knowles Wyrick Wehh CORONERS Coroneryears Coulter CaptainJosephs Lunceford Elliotts NUMliElt INIIAKITANTS Lickingperiod LICI InIn AXD RMS TOTAL TAXABLELICKIXG COUXTV PROPERTY DOMESTIC ANIMALS Lick= Horses Cattle Swine Sheep Mules PRODUCTSLICKING Vheat Oats Rye Buckwheat Barley Clover Flax Seed Potatoes Sorghum Maple Sugar Meadow VINEYARDS Grapes ORCHARDS DAIRY MANUFACTURES Lickingthere TURNPIKE CANAL Twenty National Roadborders RAIL ROADS Rail Straitsville Division Baltimore Central Pittsburgh Atlantic Erie EDUCATIONAL Thirteen Schools LickingSchool HousesSchool Female Seminaries Denison University Many Scholarship Literature Arts Sciencesparch Pulpit Halls Senate Chambers Learning Belles Lettres Seminary Teaching Those IkuI SOCIAL INTELLECTUAL LITERARY HEXENOLEXT Colleges Social Literaiy Benevolent Odd Fellows LodgesGood Templars Divisions Sons Men Knights Pythias Order UnitedMechanics Druids Literary Debating Librar Associations Reading Clubs Musical Coteries Teachers Institutes Mention Historical Anti Vice Presidents Forry Recording Secretary Corresponding Chaplain Sinsabaugh It Archicological Prehistoric GRANGES CLUBS AGRICULTURAL SOCIETIES Husbandry Grangersgenerally Farmers Annual Meeting Dille Secretaryyoung Manufacturing Lickingfortv Future Kirkpatrick Directors Vorhis Francis Burkam Weiant Lawyer Hoskinson Montgomery Hartshorn Educational Lickingthirty Christian NUMBER DENOMINATION LOCATIONCHURCH EDIFICES ?o Methodists Congregationalists Presbyterians Covenanters Lutherans OUK PIONEERS TIIER CHARACTERISTICS Uftcrent States Caro Hna Massachusetts Connecticut German Europe Teutonics Germans Only Constant Charity Bible Institutions Higher Life ELLIOTTLNDIANS Towards Pennsylvanian Montour Ratlifl Seneca ELIAS HUGHESINDIAN HORSE THIEVES Bland Owl Retaliation Bloody Skins EARLV TIME SUNDAY Summer Alinister Missionary Sabbath FairfieklPresbyterians Rush Delphi Indiana ENEMIESEARLY Serpents Occasion Snake Justin Hillyer One Had Bruin Colonel Wolves GRANVILLE COLONY SABBATH TllK WILDERNESS Patriarch Certainly FOURTHJULY CELEBRATION OneIndependence LickingNorth Public Square Newmati Hananiah Pugh Archil Presitlent Chaphun DechirationIndependence NewarkWilson Gaines INCIDENTiSlO Kinning While Tracks Hoyt Finlev Methodistitinerancy Finley JOHNNY APPJ ESEED CHAPLAIN JONES Johnny Appleseed OnlyLickingScotland Northeasterly Chapman Yankee Swedenborg Allen Illinois PennsylBaptist Clair Gates Northwestern Early Generals Wilkinson Stateeight Licking During Courson Bairdwhisky FAMOUS CIRCULAR HUNT Insheepfolds HarrisonEast Deadening Cheese jmmenced Hne Grass Butler Leverett Afterkilled Perfect Lickingview SQJJIRREL HUNTS Squirrel MEMORABLE Avere July Governor Witt Clinton Camp Diamondlastly GREAT STORM Storm DelawareMay Easterly LickingKnox CoshoctonNewark Vernon Forests Lickingwide McClintock Wait Whether Sarah Robbfather Cooley SUMMIT Sanderson Merideth Darlington Orator Internal Improvement Policy Statesmanthere Honorable SenateCanal Statesmen CAMP MEETING TownshijD Sigler Hymnsgroves HAXGIXG YETHANGINGPETER DIAMOND Furnace ECLAT Ohiol PenitentiaryGovernor Farcetragedy Locust Third Fifth Fourth Cjovcrnor RACIN Soutli Statesweepstakes Ground Fox Mulehorse ZSlany PATRIOTISM LickingNational GovernmentDuring SpencerCaptains Meigs Lieuten Davidson Three Mexican DuncanCaptain Their Arthur Lucas Return Colonels Majors Patriotism Lickingheroism MAJOR JEREMIAH MUNSON GENEKAI SPENCER Detroit Martial Representatives Legislator Both POLITICAE WHIRLWIND StatesUnionOld Lickingcrowds Buren Tyler Corwin Whig Brough Democratic Johnnycake Tippecanoe Trades Indus Conventions GUBERNATORIAL ELECTIONS Abstract Gubernatorial CANDIDATES VOTE Othniel Looker Ethan Campbell Tappan Bigger Darius Baldwin Corvvin Leicester Knigr Tod Bebb Weller Seabury Reuben Vinton Medill Barrerc Salmon Chase Philadclphus Trump Rut Ranney Dennison Jevvett Clement Valandingham Thurman Rutherford AV Pendleton McCook Noycs Gideon Noyes Collins Inadvertently Ijst Presidential Electors Humphrev Hamilton MAIL FACILITIES POST OFFICES JSIail Post NewarkPost WelFs Mills Cars DISTINGUISHED Dragoo Valleys Raccoontown Citizen Lickingago Billy LickingExpedition Sparks Lickingeighty AmosCaffee Recorder Master Mayor Caftec Federal Rebellion Staxbery Oakland Clarksburg Botetourt Staunton FidlerMiamiseventy Halns Adjutant Cass Lickingability Albaugh Seci McKeanship Cornelius Devinney KeanVirginia Senator INIcKeanthere TiiEOPiiiLus Patriarcheducation Newarkprofession VirginiaBenjamin Bannon Allegheny TerritoryMuskingum LickingHog PioneersGreen LickingGreen JMonongahela EasternINIethodist Mav Dickson Chalmer Probably Shlnn Bishop Hamline Hexry Courts Priest AndCatharine PROMINENT MENLICKING Pioneerscountry WMUard Schmucker CafTcc LickingCentennial Prominent Philosophy Natural Political Economy Conspicuous Freedom Senators Legislators SmltTi Among Going Bailey Talbott LTnivcrsity Scarle Wing WebbKibler Ebcnezer Echvard ReV Walters Dj ZDaniel Marb McElroy Medical Journals Hood Department Surgeon Rosecrans Griffin WoodsCivilians Horatio Rove Republic Liberia Iowa HowellSenator WarnerAlabama Louisiana FloodMinister Texas Orderly Regular Army California Sculptor Roman LickJones Rosencrans NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISES Newspapers LickingNewspaper Advocate Wanderer Gazette Rufus Marble LickingGazette WeeklyClark Underwood Banner Temperance Collegian Students Nestor Press Truth Virtue Morality Newspapersmore Constitutionalist PIerald Times Harrisonian Rasp LaborerOriental EvANic Intelligencer Denisonian Herbarium Voice People Reveille Grower Sower Monthly Swedenborgian PapersWay Daily Anotherrecord Friendless LickingJudges FoUett Trustees Friendlcsa CONCLUSION Country FreedomPRESENT CentennialSuffice Century Lickmg Seventy Centennialsalt INDEX PAGE AgriculturalFarms Animals Products Meetings Circular Coroners Conclusion Congressmen Hanging EducationalInterests Enemies Settlers Extent Topography Streams Settlements Wilderness Elections Racing Thieves Incident Incidents Day Inhabitants Improvements Turnpike Roads Associates Mail Facilities Manufactures Members Memorable Year Builders Characteristics Preachers Organizations LandsMilitary Recorders Sheriffs Intellectual Hunts Sunday Surveyors Amount Collected Treasurers Whirlwind Deacidified Bookkeeper Neutralizing Agent Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date Ok Ifl Thomson Cranberry Tov BKKEEPEI PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES Dnve MANCHESTER INDIANA
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